Ovarian Cyst and Tumour

Understanding Ovarian Cysts and Tumors

Ovaries are reproductive organs in women that produce eggs as well as hormones like estrogen and progesterone. Sometimes, fluid-filled sacs called cysts can develop in the ovaries. Most ovarian cysts are non-cancerous (benign), but some may be cancerous (malignant).

Types of Ovarian Cysts

Common types of benign ovarian cysts include:

  • Functional cysts – These form during the menstrual cycle and usually go away within one to two cycles. Follicle and corpus luteum cysts are types of functional cysts.
  • Dermoid cysts – These form from embryonic cells and can contain hair, fat, teeth, etc.
  • Cystadenomas – These develop from ovarian tissue and have walls lined with cells.

In most cases, cysts do not cause symptoms and resolve without treatment. Some may cause pelvic pain, bloating etc. and may need to be drained or removed.


Ovarian Cyst and Tumour

Ovarian Tumors

Tumors can also develop in the ovaries. Common types of ovarian tumors include:

  • Benign tumors: These are not cancerous e.g. cystadenomas, teratomas etc. They can often be removed without damaging the ovaries.
  • Malignant or cancerous tumors: These can spread to other organs. Types include epithelial ovarian carcinoma, germ cell tumors, sex cord-stromal tumors among others. They require aggressive treatment.


Detecting Ovarian Cysts and Tumors

Simple ovarian cysts are often discovered during routine pelvic exams. Larger more complex cysts and tumors may be detected via ultrasound, CT scan or MRI scans. Blood tests like CA-125 can also be done if ovarian cancer is suspected.

Most cysts resolve without treatment but some persistent or complex cysts, as well as malignant tumors need specialized treatment from a gynecologic oncologist. This may involve surgery and medications like chemotherapy.

Early diagnosis and management of ovarian cysts and tumors is essential for the best prognosis and preserving fertility in women. Consult your doctor if you have symptoms like pelvic/abdominal pain, bloating, difficulty eating etc.

For more information or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Vidhu Khandelwal regarding Ovarian Cysts and Tumors at Khandelwal Clinic in Mumbai, please contact us today.